

mappa ecateo

Mediterranean Perspectives has the purpose of promoting research works and the analysis of cultural, political and religious experiences, as well as forms of coexistence between the peoples of the Mediterranean basin. We believe that the knowledge of the respective collective identities fosters mutual understanding, and reduces controversies between local groups both in war and in peace. As a result of our meetings and studies, and as a practical contribution to the solution of the conflicts that plague the Mediterranean, and in particular the Middle East, the Association aims to provide methodological tools for future experts and/or negotiators to-be. The main areas of our activities are the following:


Food and Wellness

The choice and the ways of finding, preparing and keeping food is the first expression of the identity of each community. The Association aims to highlight the centrality of food for the peoples of the Mediterranean basin.



Art and Culture

The enhancement of the different cultural realities in the Mediterranean basin starts from the observation and the study of the cultural expressions, such as musical and artistic experiences, and traditions emerged over the centuries among the Mediterranean peoples.




Protection of the collective identities in the mediterranean basin 

In the hope of helping to strenghten a dialogue, to understand the deep causes of conflicts in the area and to make a solution easier, we purpose a research work based on two models that affect different identities and socio-cultural groups: the national-state identity model and the global-transboundary one. In this innovative perspective, our Association develops research and analysis discussed in international seminars and conferences, also in collaboration with Italian and foreign associations and research institutions.





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